Wednesday, April 22, 2009


For those of you wondering why I am not in school tomorrow, I will be away in Putrajaya, attending an interview. I have applied for a scholarship and this interview is for that. If I do get the scholarship, I will apply to one of the local universities to study for a Masters degree. I don't know if I will get it, or when I will know if I get it. In the meantime, do say a little prayer for me. I have been kept so busy since school opened this year that I have not had much time to think about preparing for this interview or applying for uni. No matter what, I will be positive, and I will remember that, ultimately, God is in control. If I am meant to get it, then I will. If not, then I will continue to do what I have been doing .... teach, educate, nurture, encourage, and yes, SCOLD!

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