Saturday, April 21, 2012

MPPH 2012

It was with much pride that I met with and hugged my SPM leavers today. They were back to received recognition for their excellent results during the annual prize-giving ceremony. Some of them have gone on to uni and college. Some have yet to apply to go anywhere. Some are waiting for results of their applications. All are anxious about their future. But I am proud of all of them, for they have indeed grown so much in the last few months. They have become young ladies. They have bloomed and they have a new confidence about them that wasn't there a few months ago.
Every year, a batch of students leave school for tertiary education. Every year, it is hard to see them go, especially those who have bonded with the teachers and have risen above others in the way they gave back to the school. Many have told me it is sad that I will be leaving, but they forgot, they too, leave. More often than not, they are the ones who leave us behind. But it is a good thing. It is good that they leave for better things.
A mother came to me today and gave me such a big hug it surprised me. I think I have ever only met her once before, during SPM result day. She thanked me for being her daughter's teacher. She said she read my note on FB about when they got their SPM results recently. And it brought tears to her eyes. I was amazed that her daughter actually shared that with her. But I am glad she read it, and delved into the heart of a teacher. And I am proud that the daughter said she will want to major in English when she studies in uni, perhaps in part due to the impact her English teachers have had on her. I am proud to have been one of them.
So MPPH is not all about the students only. It's also an affirmation on the work of the teachers. Much as it is said that these students have private tuition outside of school, many of them are where they are because of some teachers and the good work that these teachers have done with them.
I also went on stage today, receiving the prize for top 3 best panels for SPM, for Literature in English. It was not a big deal, really, but it is a public recognition for the work that Sibyl and I have done with the pioneering batches of students. We can truly give ourselves a pat on our backs for the results we have got.
Till the next MPPH, but I will not be there to see what happens.

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