Sunday, July 8, 2012

35 days going 34

5 weeks. That is all I have left here before I become a foreigner in a land where my forefathers come from.  
I am still not very prepared. My mind and my heart basically refuse to get into the relocation mode the last few days. I have so many things which I cannot seem to put down (direct Chinese translation). I am still in the thick of managing work, worrying over things which I have no control over, and being devious in getting some people into trouble. 
If not for being "forced" to let go, I seriously won't be able to. And God knows me well enough to force it upon me very gently. 
It was Hari K yesterday. And I met up with many former students. Many of them came running to me screaming "Puan Chrisssssssssss". And we talked and talked and just enjoyed the sharing of our lives. Yes, it was a sharing of our lives - how they were doing, where I will be going and what I'll do. And I realised, I miss those kids who have now turned into adults. I will miss being part of the lives of my students, especially those who have been close to me.
Someone said to me today that "our students contribute a lot to make us do the best we can". I was once his student. I felt honoured that he said that to me, and I can pretty much say the same about my own students. 
It's hard, this business of letting go. But do it, I must. And I know, much as I want them to miss me, I would rather that they move on quickly and do the best they can in all they do, and make me proud - as I watch from afar.
If I have the time, I will be posting individual letters to some people in this blog, before I leave.


Anonymous said...

Hi Puan Chris! Well, I'm one of the old students from SA, but unfortunately not one of your old students. I happened to think of the teachers who I have had the opportunity to encounter during my time in SA, and then after clicking here and there, I ended up on your blog. I have to say, it is quite sad that you're leaving to China,especially having so much to deal with at this point, but perhaps this is a blessing in disguise. Perhaps God has a bigger plan for you that you don't know of yet? :) I don't know to what extent your troubles are right now teacher, but I'll pray for you and your family.

Jeremiah 29: 11
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

I would also like to leave this anonymous hehehe. :) Take care Puan Christina! God bless! :)

Chris said...

My dear anonymous,
Thank you for your encouragement. I actually did not see this comment until today, when I decided to look back on what I have posted. Though you have chosen to remain anonymous, I am glad you have left me very encouraging words from Jeremiah. This verse has consistently been an assurance to me that I am where He wants me to be and where He leads, He will provide. Thanks for your prayers and your kind thoughts towards me.